Georgian Bay can be a temperamental body of water but on this evening she was as calm as a small pond. With every thing being so still we were lulled into the idea of anchoring a bit further off Hope Island so as to give ourselves a bit of space.
But we should have known that things would change. And they did - at about midnight the wind came in and swung 180 degrees. Which meant we were now anchored in the bay where the waves started to build. It was a bumpy night.
I am still amazed at how much and how fast things can change.
Have a wonderful weekend my friends. Hopefully it is filled with good changes and lovely moments of calm to give you a chance to get your footing.
Anchorage off of Hope Island, Georgian Bay
Ontario, Canada
September 2013
• Nikon D700, 14-24 mm, f/2.8
• Bracketed set of 5 shots, tone mapped in Photomatix Pro
• one exposure processed in Lightroom
• blended in Photoshop (PLUS Noiseware, sharpening and Color Efex Pro)